Two days of inspiration and
personal development experience.
Location - Soon!
Date - Soon!
Limited seats
Life is the biggest match we will ever play:
we can win or lose depending on the quality of our game.
I invite You to discover the personal development methodology embedded in the book:
IO - How to win at the game of life
The map to finding and fulfilling our inner prophecy to give meaning to our existence.
Luigino Bottega
About the seminar
The energy of life is creation. It's potential energy expressed in the form of actions. Only we can move out of our comfort zone and express our potential by creating a new reality, realizing ourselves.
I invite you to discover the personal development methodology embedded in the book: "IO - How to win at the game of life: The map to finding and fulfilling our inner prophecy to give meaning to our existence."
If you’re open to new perspectives and trying to realize your “inner prophecy”, you are ready for the journey.
REVEALED is one day full immersion seminar for a limited number of persons, a journey that starts in the objective reality of a frenetic society lost in the ego race. Through the escape from our mental cages, it takes us to deeper parts of ourselves, driven to manifest a desirable future for ourselves and others.
What we do?
We’ll learn to develop strategy, tactics and a life plan, testing ourselves with practical, introspective exercises.
What we become?
We’ll become creators of a better community by taking personal responsibility and recognizing our unique “superpowers”, making the impossible possible.
Program of the days:
Day one and two - 9:00
First session of the day
Coffee break
Second session
Lunch break
Third session
Coffee break
Final session
All inclusive!
The participation at the seminar include:
One book Special Edition
Autographed by the Author
Coffee breaks
Italian style
The Premium Digital Package
4 hours of video-audio course
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